Monday, November 21, 2011

Congress is retarded

Congress is starting to make a stupid law that will censorship all of the worlds internet! Once the bill is passed then there is nothing we can do but wait to lose youtube and tumbler, ect. please go to the link and sign up to petition against it and there will be more info about what this law will do and you can go and sign up against the new law that congress is considering!

Time to Think Some Common Sense

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


    Alright so it's been awhile since I last posted. Simply because I really had nothing to write. Well, I'm about to rip out my hair from all of my frustration. All because I am constantly surrounded by morons. Well not morons, just a moron. And this person, basically, represents almost all of the idiots of posts past. Also I am unable to escape. Great, right? And i know what your thinking, i should just give this person a piece of my mind, but i don't (and of course i mean this figuratively) want to still be cleaning shit off of me three years from now. So what i plan to do is wait this out and do whatever it takes to show who exactly is the better person here.
    Ok, in case you didn't notice i put up a survey deal up. it is really just kind of random, but i am considering to put one up more serious than this to see if i can get people's opinions. (beings that only one person commented on anything)
    But i am totally serious, i need 2 know. well maybe not need but very much like to know. so please comment! I don't know how much i can really stress on that. And hey, if you seriously do post something of some value, i will respond.
     I have another blog, it's called religion/culture of the month. It is basically about, hey you guessed it!, religion and cultures from around the world. i only have one religion down, and have the next 3 or 4 months started. Well anyways, i have thought about doing interviews of people of different religion and cultures. Well, if you don't belong to any kind of christian church or live somewhere near the very northeastern part of Nebraska, i would like to interview you! I will be doing this during the summer months of June and July. simply post a comment or contact me through blogger.
Time to Think Some Common Sense

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Not Cool

      Ok Whoever the hell had commented on one of my friends comments. Not Cool. I know that I probably know you and I want to say is that you are a jerk for making a comment like that. Now I personally have no problem with people commenting or anything and I actually want you all to. I'd like to know what you have to think on stuff, but a comment like that simply because you dislike somebody.. It's just not right.
      Now for the people curious on what this person said. I'm sorry but I deleted it. Other that everyone please comment I'd like to know what you think about stuff. Why you agree, why you disagree, or anything I didn't say about it. And hey, if you think I basically said everything or if you find out that somehow I was informed incorrectly tell me. Cuss me out I don't care.
      K well I hope that everyone has a good rest-of-the-week.
       Time To Think Some Common Sense

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nosey People

       K people, I'm back and I'm mad at people who need to calm down and stay out of other people's business. Alright before I get started I need to tell you the story behind this.
       Alright, my sisters, my mom, a friend, and me were eating at a restaurant that a close friend of ours worked at. We were giving her all sorts of crap calling her sexy (and let me tell you her work uniform had to have suspenders). We where making her blush and stuff then one of my sisters got the brilliant idea to text her fiance and tell him a bunch of dudes were flirting with her to make him jealous, thinking it would be funny to find out what his reaction would be. Well there was this Hispanic people sitting in the booth be hind us, well we were texting him and my mom told my sister to tell him that there was 5 dudes, 3 white and 2 "beaners" at the table (cuz there was five of us and to of my sisters are half Hispanic). Now we know that there are people that take offense to the word but we have never run into anybody and we weren't referring to anybody but those that were with us that didn't care. Anyways the lady behind us flipped around and was like all "you have no right to use that word and I take offense to that" and my mom told her to just turn around and eat and whatever. Lucy (whom is one of the 2 half Hispanic sisters that i have) is really fuming and wants to go and get at her. Finally that whole ordeal hushes up for a little bit. We finish eating and pay for our meal and as we get up to leave my sister lucy goes and sez "Come on my BEANER sister let's go cuz this is a free country and i can say what i want!" then the lady goes "damn right this is a free country."  and with a few other exchanging words we left.
     So, here's what i have to say about the situation, firstly nobody has no right to listen in to anybody's conversation. Secondly, so long as it is not directed to you in anyway ( like if they are calling you it, or saying about that in general about a certain group of people and your apart of that group) you don't really having any right to complain about it. K?
      Oh and you stupid people that take offense to certain things or words like "beaner" but yet don't know one bit of your history. Your annoying as hell. Honestly you have no right to be offended by anything if you don't know any of your crap or can't speak at least 5 words in your own effin language.
      Well that's all I have to say about it. I'll b posting soon and being mad about other kinds of stupid. K well i hope you all had a great Christmas.

             Time To Think Some Common Sense

Friday, December 17, 2010


      Hey I'm back and of course I'm mad at stupid people again. But before I get into anything else I'd like to go over a few things.
      First thing is how I came about naming my blog which so happens to be very similar to what I'm talking about. Well it seems like that anybody who has a good point, uses some kind of common sense, thinks differently, or is just slightly different in any way is effiin weird or odd and it really infuriates me. I mean how can you personally judge someone like that before you truly know them to be saying those things of that nature? Idk, sometimes you'd think that the world is goin upside down. 
      Now to what I'm gonna be talkin about today, religion. Now everyone is different when it comes to it (although who isn't different when it comes to anything?) but it's not right when people think they have to judge someone because they think or believe differently. I mean so long as there's no malicious intent in that religion then nobody should have a real problem with it, right? Well that's what I'm trying to get at.
      Ok, everyone knows about September 11th. Well I read a book about it and surprisingly it was actually very interesting and very worthwhile. (Better thank the teacher that forces me to do it, well, maybe not cuz I don't like her) Anyways, also everyone knows that these people belong to the religion of Islam. Well, because of these people everyone thinks it's some kind of hate religion and that people of this religion is violent. Well, it's not true. Actually this religion is very peaceful, it's just that some are twisting the meaning of it and is using it as an excuse for what they've done and what they plan to do. Now for those of you who remember your world history then you'd remember a group of other people that twisted the meaning of their holy texts and used it as a way to fight and slaughter people. In case you don't remember it was the Christians whom has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of Christianity during the middle ages. So for those of you Christians who think that your so justified and is all high and mighty thinking that your religion in the past has done no wrong, know your history and try to be a little more humble. And everyone please know your stuff before you start to ridicule.  
     Well that's it for now, so please if there is one thing that you've learned from this is that hate is only going to cause more hate.
              Time To Think Some Common Sense

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

simply stupid (or maybe its ignorance)

       Alright my friend started a blog and put some really deep stuff in it. I figured I might as well start to throw out my opinion. Might find out how many people agree with what I have to say.
       Ok. my first topic (as you can see from the title) it is about stupid people that really have no common sense period. Now if any of you have seen Carlos Mencia then you might have a clue about what I'm going to get into.(And you might know people in your life who is like this too.)
       One: those of you who complain about every little thing and won't stop. You need to shut up and think of poor families in Africa or some other third world country. Or soldiers in the middle east who is SUFFERING just so you can COMPLAIN. So knock it off and whatever it is your complaining about. It's more than likely SELF INFLICTED.  So there.
        Two: The stunt dare devils (like the people off of jackass) how effin retarded do you have to be? If you think you'll be all cool and tough. Ummm, news flash, YOU CAN GET KILLED. (HOW DO YOU THINK THEY NAMED THE SHOW!!!!)
        Three: one of the people I hate the most, hypocrites. Dear god people, GET A LIFE! Seriously, you complain to people that they shouldn't do this then you do it! What the HELL! Or you effin go and tell somebody one thing and then the next day you turn around and say the opposite. WTF!!! Do you know how bad you can seriously confuss somebody! I tell ya it can make anybody mad!
         Well that's all I have to say about stupid people for now (there may be a part two to this epic ranting)

                                              Time To Think Some Common Sense